Oops I Did It Again

     I love my computer. I love working on it. I love web editing, e-mail, chat, etc. However, once in a while I must fight back against the computer and its assumed dominance over the data I feed it (unlike how I didn’t fight back against the a-hole that sucker-punched me in the face over the xmas break). It hasn’t happened to this degree since my days at Lehigh, which is the last time I had to buy a new keyboard. The keyboard I acquired at that time was the casualty suffered this week, when my frustration boiled over, and resulted in letters and characters popping out and flying all over my apartment. Sorry old Microsoft keyboard. You put up a valiant fight for over five years (incredible value!). We shall see if the new Logitech keyboard fares as well. Cheers!

3 thoughts on “Oops I Did It Again”

  1. when the keyoard is broken, its like when the blue key is used to open the little blue box on mulholland (amethyst) dr…..

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