Recently I printed a case for my new PiDrive so it can be pair easily with my Raspberry Pi. The build went pretty well, but near the "tail" of the enclosure it lifted a bit from the build plate. Also, there's some lengthwise cracks that start at the tail. I might add some dummy ...

One of the first things I wanted to try out with the Raspberry Pi 2 is RetroPie, the vintage gaming emulator. Using RetroPie you can play Nintendo (NES), Neo Geo, Sega Genesis, Atari 2600 and a whole slew of other platforms on your Raspberry Pi.
To get started I followed the RetroPie installation setup. ...

For years I have heard about the different iterations of the Raspberry Pi. Eventually I broke down and ordered one to see what it's all about. I started with the Raspberry Pi 2 Model B Basic Starter Kit From Vilros. At $49.99, it comes with the motherboard, a clear case and power ...
next stop on your infinite cyber-journey